components are used to convey data in an easy to visualize way. The UUX chart component uses the HighCharts library, which requires a licence. Please contact the UUX team before use in your project.The UUX chart component uses the HighCharts library - which requires a license. UUX charts included in a Temenos User Agent may be used in the form originally provided by Temenos. A separate licence from Highsoft AS is required to alter any UUX charts included in a Temenos User Agent or create new charts using the UUX chart component
This powerful library encompasses these chart types and more:
- Column and bar charts
- Line charts
- Area charts
- Pie charts
- Scatter and bubble charts
- Combinations
- Tree maps
- Gauge
- Sunburst
- Sankey diagram
More details and examples can be found here. If you can find it in the High Charts library, it can be provided by configuring the UUX chart component.
The standard behaviour is for the UUX component to be passed a configuration of a chart (without series data) in the config property. Data should be passed as an array to the data property. This can be refreshed, and the chart will redraw itself.
**Note: the UUX chart bundle is separate from the core UUX web bundle. It needs to be loaded in the page (after the core web bundle). This is available to Temenos Employees from this location.
Please get in touch to see the UUX chart component in action. We are unable to provide a live demo on our public website for licensing reasons.

Updating the data will trigger the chart to redraw itself.
Our components have been designed to comply with the WCAG 2.2 AA accessibility guidelines. For more information about how our design system complies with color-related accessibility guidelines, see Foundations > Colors > Accessibility.