UUX web components are made available in accordance with our UUX Licence.

Find the license information for its third-party library dependencies in the following URL https://developer.temenos.com/uux/unified-ux-web.license.txt https://developer.temenos.com/uux/unified-ux-chart.license.txt

We also have the daily snapshot build of unified-ux-web.min.js hosted. You can link to this file on your HTML like this

<link href="https://developer.temenos.com/uux/base.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="https://developer.temenos.com/uux/unified-ux-web.min.js"></script>

Or you can download them to your local drive with these links

Note: If you want to download the max version of the js library, you can downlaod from this link

If you want to use charts, you will also need to load the following bundle unified-ux-chart.min.js . This is available to Temenos Employees from this location.

Note: UUX charts included in a Temenos User Agent may be used in the form originally provided by Temenos. A separate licence from Highsoft AS is required to alter any UUX charts included in a Temenos User Agent or create new charts using the UUX chart component.

To simply use UUX Web Components in your webpage or app, look at the demo pages here

Then head to this page to Temenos repo login

There are 3 types of download:

  1. NPM monthly releases - use "npm install @unified-ux/uux-web" or "yarn install" - if @unified-ux/uux-web has already been added as a dependency in package.json
  2. Latest unified-ux-min.js zip - Built daily with latest code.
  3. LTS - Long term supported - Releases

For option 1. (NPM) access, you will also need to configure a .npmrc file in your home folder with these contents

# Map your company's NPM scope ("@example") to the private registry URL:
# Otherwise, all other packages come from the public NPM registry:
# Here we specify how the package manager should authenticate to the private registry.
# For security reasons, CI jobs should obtain their tokens from environment variables.
# The exact syntax depends on your registry provider. If a line references an environment
# variable that is undefined, Rush will ignore that line. This avoids producing an invalid
# string that might interfere with a developer who obtains their credentials from ~/.npmrc.

Once you have obtained the username and password from Temenos. It can be converted into a token for use by the npm server.

$ echo -n 'myUsername:myPassword' | openssl base64

Temenos provides SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) services supporting both:

  • "Direct SCA" via a local/bespoke login page
  • "Indirect SCA" via a 3rd party authentication login page / process

A javascript library: uux-sca-min.js (defining js classes: SCAConfigDigest, SCAManager) has been developed to facilitate interaction with the Temenos SCA services by providing high-level methods for (a) managing the configuration for, and (b) coordinating the sequence of API calls necessary to use the Temenos SCA service(s) in either of the above modes.

The zip file downloadable below includes:

  • the above javascript library (uux-sca/uux-sca-min.js)

  • two simple "barebones" example html/js pages demonstrating the use of the above library to use perform SCA in each of the SCA modes (uux-sca/local/index.html, uux-sca/third-party/index.html)

  • an index page (uux-sca/index.html) containing links to both of the above example pages

  • README.md: provides: (a) further details on the contents of the zip file, (b) instructions for running up a minimal http server on your machine to host the provided example pages, and (c) instructions for testing those example pages in your browser
Download UUX SCA libary and example html page