Package Details
This covers the APIs for managing the package arrangements, including creating, amending, and closing packages. It also includes APIs to retrieve package details, pricing benefits for specific periods, and periodic pricing details.
This covers the APIs for managing the package arrangements, including creating, amending, and closing packages. It also includes APIs to retrieve package details, pricing benefits for specific periods, and periodic pricing details.
Amend a package arrangement to bundle the different customer accounts in order to provide the combined benefits.
Close the package arrangement by delinking the linked arrangements
Create a package arrangement to bundle the different customer accounts inorder to provide the combined benefits.
Retrieves the package details for the given package arrangement which includes the primary customer account, primary account's product name and other bundled account details.
Retrieves the periodic pricing that have happened on a package arrangement along with the details of linked arrangements on the given effective date. If effective date not provided, then it retrieves the current date periodic pricing details of an package arrangement.
Retrieves the package pricing benefit details for the package arrangement and the linked contracts or accounts within a specific period. The period start date and end date should be provided to fetch the total package pricing benefits applied for the linked arrangements.
Pricing Adjustment
This covers the APIs for managing simulations and retrieving simulated quotation details.
This covers the APIs for managing simulations and retrieving simulated quotation details.
Enables users to amend pricing details, such as interest rates or fees, for an existing simulated quotation reference. For example, users can simulate various account activities, such as creation, closure, or funds transfer, to understand the applicable pricing. The system will return the pricing details with a unique user-defined or system-generated quotation reference. Users can adjust rates or fees and apply additional benefits, and use the amended quotation to make the transaction live.
Allows manual adjustment of pricing details, such as fees or interest, within an arrangement. Users can apply additional benefits, set an expiry date for the adjustment, and define whether the adjustment should expire upon a product change or at rollover.
Retrieves details of manual pricing adjustments made to an arrangement. Users can view any manual pricing negotiations, including the expiry date and the type of adjustment (e.g., amount adjusted from the base amount, waived, or overridden).
Pricing Quotation
This covers the APIs for managing simulations and retrieving simulated quotation details.
This covers the APIs for managing simulations and retrieving simulated quotation details.
Retrieves the pricing details of a simulated quotation by providing either a user-defined or system-generated quotation reference. If the quotation details have been negotiated, the system will fetch the final pricing details, including any adjustments or negotiations applied.
Simulates the creation of an arrangement or account to determine the applicable pricing details, including interest rates, fees, and cashback. The user can provide a unique user-defined quotation reference. If not provided, the system will generate one. This reference can be used for negotiating or adjusting the pricing details or for creating a new account.
Simulates an activity or transaction event, such as an ATM withdrawal, partial redemption, or funds transfer, to know the applicable pricing details. The system returns these details along with a unique user-defined or system-generated quotation reference, which can be used for negotiating the pricing.
Party Details
This covers the APIs for managing and retrieving party-related details, including accounts, contracts, pricing, and eligibility.
This covers the APIs for managing and retrieving party-related details, including accounts, contracts, pricing, and eligibility.
Retrieves all contracts and associated accounts held by a specific party. This includes both account details stored in the core system and any corresponding mirror accounts created within the pricing system.
Retrieve eligibility details in the pricing system.
Retrieves all the pricing details available for the customer. Each pricing detail has its unique pricing ID with the base pricing value. Any benefit applied to the pricing will be reflected in the adjusted value, and the net value after the benefit is applied. It also includes a unique transaction reference generated in the core system.
Retrieves the list of all related parties to the beneficial owner for the given arrangement. For example, Party A,Party B, Party C, Party D are existing customers, and the following relations are updated for Party A. Party B is spouse to Party A, Party C is child to Party A, Party D is parent to Party A. If Party A is the query parameter for the API, the related parties of Party A, will be returned
Accounts Arrangement Details
This covers APIs for handling financial adjustments and transactions, including payoff calculations, manual charge adjustments, early deposit redemptions, and balance processing for external arrangements.
This covers APIs for handling financial adjustments and transactions, including payoff calculations, manual charge adjustments, early deposit redemptions, and balance processing for external arrangements.
Allows manual negotiation of any charges applicable for the closure of an account in Transact, adjusting the payoff bill accordingly.
Calculate the payoff amount for an account which includes the outstanding amounts and also amounts such as account balances, interest, and charge amounts.
Processes the balance amount for a specific balance type in an external account.
Enables the pre-closure of a deposit before its maturity date. There is an option to configure and collect a penalty from the deposit's maturity proceeds, which are then paid to the customer's settlement account.
Pricing Arrangement Details
This covers APIs for retrieving pricing details, including fees for activity charges, business transactions, and periodic charge events, along with interest rates and account event details.
This covers APIs for retrieving pricing details, including fees for activity charges, business transactions, and periodic charge events, along with interest rates and account event details.
Retrieves details of events that have occurred for an account within the pricing system.
For example, if a user wants to know the events that took place for an account using an account number from the core system, the system will provide this information.
Retrieves the fee amount details for a periodic charge event. For example, if a user has configured a monthly fee to be debited from a customer’s account, the system will fetch the applicable periodic charge or cashback details for the account.
Retrieves a non-binding quote(online quotation) with fee and benefit details for an arrangement when activity is triggered. E.g To fetch fees and cashback details applicable for a new account creation, the user must input the event 'NewAccount' as one of the query parameters in the API. This will return the charge and cashback details along with any benefits if applicable
Retrieves a non-binding quote(online quotation) with fee and benefit details for an arrangement when a transaction is triggered. For example: to fetch the fee or cashback details applicable for an ATM withdrawal, the user must input the event 'ATMWithdrawal' as one of the query parameters. The user must send the transaction amount and currency as part of the API, and the system will immediately fetch the applicable charges or cashback details along with any other benefit if applicable.
Retrieves the interest rate and any applicable benefits for an account. For example, if a user wants to know the interest rate of an account, the system will provide the interest details along with any applied benefits.
Pricing Transparency Details
This covers APIs for retrieving pricing details including fees, cashback, and interest rates for accounts.
This covers APIs for retrieving pricing details including fees, cashback, and interest rates for accounts.
Retrieves the evaluation details based on a given evaluation reference. When pricing rules are configured in the product, each rule evaluation generates a unique evaluation reference. This reference stores the outcome of the rule qualification, indicating whether it qualified or failed.
Retrieves interest rates with any benefits applied for a specific product. For example, this can be used to check the benefits applied to different interest conditions, such as credit or debit interest. The interest rates, along with all applicable benefits, can be fetched using this API.
Retrieves pricing details, such as fees, cashback, or interest, for a specific pricing reference. For example, this can be used to get more details about the benefits applied to a particular pricing entry within an arrangement, such as interest.
Retrieves pricing details, such as fees, cashback, or interest, applied to a specific transaction. For example, this can be used to get more details about the pricing and benefits applied to a particular transaction within an arrangement.
Retrieves the pricing details such as fee details, cashback details or interest details etc., applied in an account. It will fetch the pricing details with base value and if any benefit applied what will be the net value. For example, the user has configured cashback of $2 for new deposit creation and the user has configured deposit interest of 3%, however if the customer is also owing a current account, then the user has configured additional cashback of $0.5 and additional interest of 0.2% as benefit to the customer, then the base value of cashback property will be $3, net value of cashback property will be $3.5.Each pricing details in an arrangement is having unique pricing ID in the pricing system.
This covers the APIs for creating and managing the promotions arrangements.
This covers the APIs for creating and managing the promotions arrangements.
Create a promotions arrangement for a given party and promo code.