
Temenos Open Banking and Payments

APIs covering the payments processing lifecycle

Temenos Buy Now Pay Later

An APIs-first solution, offering interest-free and interest-bearing BNPL products out-of-the-box.

Temenos Financial Crime Mitigation

APIs enabling out-of-the-box watch-list screening, anti-money laundering, fraud prevention and Know Your Customer(KYC)

Temenos Fund Administration

Global Accounting and Global Investor APIs for managing investments and funds accounting on a global scale

Temenos Core Banking

APIs from the world's most successful and widely used digital core-banking solutions.

Temenos Transact Microservices

APIs delivering banking applications as a suite a fast-running services

Temenos Wealth

APIs for implementing and monitoring sophisticated investment strategies, placing orders on the markets, and reporting on assets.

Temenos Regionalized Solutions(Country Model Bank)

APIs delivering country-specific support for regional regulatory demands and market practices

Temenos Lifecycle Management Suite

APIs supporting a rapid, omni-channel product origination experience, including instant decisioning.

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