Fund Administration GA Apis
APIs to create, update and retrieve the various holdings of the fund entity. For example, equities, deposits and derivative positions.
API to create capital decrease collection of shares master record
API to create capital decrease consolidaton of shares master record
API to create capital decrease of par value and partial repayment of par value (domestic shares) master record
Capital decrease of par value and partial repayment of par value (domestic shares) - Taxable payment
API to create capital decrease of par value and partial repayment of par value (domestic shares) - Taxable payment master record
API to create capital decrease of par value and partial repayment of par value - foreign shares master record
API to create capital increase allotment of subscription rights master record
API to create capital increase with exercise of subscription rights master record
API to create capital increase without issue of subscription rights master record
API to create and update static data information about equity instruments
API to create exchange of new security with cash inflow master record
API to create exchange of new security with cash outflow master record
API to create exchange of security into new security ID - without cash compensation master record
API to create exchange of security into the same security ID - Change of par value master record
API to create exchange of security into several security IDs master record
API to create exchange of security with cash compensation master record
API to create and update static data information about fixed bonds
API to create and update static data information about floater rate or factor for bonds
API to create and update static data information about floating or variable bonds
API to book and manage forward foreign exchange transaction
API to book and mange forward foreign exchange repayment transaction
API to create and update static data information about Future instruments
API to book transaction fee during the future buy/continuing and closing of the deal
API to book and manage future transaction, opening of future buy/continuing, closing of future
API to rebook opening, continuing or closing future transactions with transaction fees changes
API to create and update static data information about fixed mortgage backed securities or inflation protected bonds
API to book transaction fee during the option buy/continuing and closing of the deal
API to book option transaction like opening of option buy/sale, continuing, closing of option
API to create and update static data information about PIK bond
API to rebook security transactions with transactions fees or exchange rate change
API to book and manage fund shareholder transactions (subscription, redemption, etc.)
API to book stock exchange transaction fee during the transaction buy/sell
API to create and update static data information about Variable mortgage backed securities
API to create and update static data information about zero coupon bonds
APIs to create, update and retrieve various types of order instructions, such as subscriptions, redemptions and switches.
API to book equity tranasactions. Creation of buy/sell, reversal/settlement of buy/sell are some of the operations covered
APIs to manage general reference data, such as currencies, countries and exchange rates.
API to create daily exchange rates. The exchanges rates against the application currency can be injected into the system.
API to create forwared interest rates from external sources
Fund Administration GI APIs
APIs to create, update and retrieve the distributor, investor and financial institution related data such as the name/address, KYC details and documents.
API to create, update and manage addresses for various entities like distributors, investors, etc.
API to create, update and manage Anti Money Laundering blocking code information
API to create, update and manage Anti Money Laundering document information
API to create, update and manage Anti Money Laundering moniter blocking information
API to create, update and manage account details for various entities like distributors, investors, fund etc.
API to create, update and manage contact history detail information
API to create, update and manage distributor exception commission payment currency information
API to create, update and manage document copy for address and electronic address fof various entities like distributors, investors, etc
API to create, update and manage electronic addresses for various entities like distributors, investors, etc.
API to create, update and manage exception value date for various entities distributors and fund.
API to create, update and manage exceptional cutoff for distributor
API to create, update and manage FATCA Or CRS document information
API to create, update and manage FATCA Or CRS status information
API to create, update and manage FATCA Or CRS sub status information
API to create Hierarchy Tree Details for agent distribution
API to create, update and manage Investment management account details
API to create, update and manage investor account detail information
API to create, update and manage investor minimum limits expiry information
API to create, update and manage parent or sub agent link information
API to create, update and manage reinvest or pay all information
API to create, update and manage security clearing account information
API to create, update and manage settlement exception information
API to create, update and manage US tax options static data information
API to create, update and manage TAX residence document information
API to create, update and manage TAX residency identification information
API to create, update and manage trailer fee agent link information
API to create, update and manage transfer agent distribution commission information
API to create, update and manage transfer agent group commission information
APIs to create, update and retrieve various types of order instructions, such as subscriptions, redemptions and switches.
API to create, update and manage Anti-dilution levy dealing detail information for master fund
API to create, update and manage Appro or Expro definition for trust fund companies, fund promoter
API to create, update and manage commission group information for transfer agent fund
API to create, update and manage delay days information for master fund
API to create, update and manage escalation checks informations for trust fund companies, fund promoter
API to create, update and manage fix calendar information for master fund
API to create, update and manage forex details information for master fund
API to create, update and manage frequency exception days information for master fund
API to create, update and manage frequency exception information for master fund
API to create, update and manage fund escalation checks information for transfer agent fund
API to create, update and manage fund of funds information for transfer agent fund
API to create, update and manage fund trading desk transaction informations for trust fund companies
API to create, update and manage holding limit for various entities like distributors, investors,fund etc.
API to create, update and manage initial subscription for transfer agent fund
API to create, update and manage master fund security description information
API to create, update and manage master fund share values information
API to create, update and manage minimum dividend payment for various entities like distributors, investors,fund etc.
API to create, update and manage master fund security information
API to create, update and manage performance fee information for master fund
API to create, update and manage permission country information for transfer agent fund
API to create, update and manage Security ID maintenance for master fund share class security
API to create, update and manage simulation calendar information for master fund
API to create, update and manage soft closures information for transfer agent fund
API to create, update and manage Straight Through Processing counterpart definition for trust fund companies, fund promoter
API to create, update and manage transaction limit for various entities like distributors, investors,fund etc.
API to create, update and manage transaction restrictions information for transfer agent fund
API to create, update and manage transfer agent fund detail information
API to create, update and manage transfer agent fund shareclass detail information
API to create, update and manage trust fund companies informations
API to create, update and manage country legal holidays information
API to create, update and manage currency legal holidays information