Create an Account

This Quick Start Guide (QSG) shows you how to create a current account using the Create a Current Account endpoints, but you can also use it to establish a:

  • Corporate current account
  • Mudaraba savings account
  • Savings account
  • Minor savings account
  • Non-resident savings account

Before you Start

You'll need to:

  • Request an API Key or renew an existing one. 
  • Have an API testing tool installed, for example Postman.
  • Use a valid customer ID.

To help you complete the procedure, use our Postman Collection or copy the drop-down code samples.

Procedure: How to Create an Account

  1. Open Postman.
  2. Under Collections select temenos essential apis > transact > Accounts > POST Create Account.

    1. Create Account

  3. Click the Body tab to view the payload. You can change any details, such as the product or currency.
    2. View Body

    Code sample: Create an Account Payload
      "header": {
    "override": {
            "overrideDetails": [
                    "description": "Have you received Account Opening Agreement/AAA*212 from 800444}RECEIVED_NOT RECEIVED",
                    "id": "DM.CONFIRM.DOC",
                    "type": "Warning",
                    "responseCode": "RECEIVED"
                    "code": "O-13039",
                    "description": "NOLOG activity cannot be considered for dormancy processing. But If it requires, attach exception API",
                    "id": "AA-DORMANCY.NOLOG.ACT",
                    "type": "Override"
            "partyIds": [
                "partyId": "800467"
          "productId": "NEGOTIABLE.ACCOUNT",  
          "currency": "USD",
          "balance": {
          "accountName": "CurrentAccount{{$randomInt}}"}
    Key Terms: Create an Account

    Key Terms



    Identifier of the lead company of the underlying Entity/Company/Branch for the respective contract for customer data protection purposes. Example US0010001.


    User who initiated the transaction.


    Identifies the device type.

    NOTE: Make sure you populate the following mandatory fields, otherwise the API won't run correctly. 
    "partyId": "800279"
    "productId": "NEGOTIABLE.ACCOUNT"
    "currency": "USD"

  4. Click Send. A 200 OK Success message is displayed.image 34
    Code sample: Create an Account Response
        "header": {
            "transactionStatus": "Live",
            "audit": {
                "T24_time": 7995,
                "responseParse_time": 1,
                "requestParse_time": 1
            "aaaId": "AAACT2110542LGHNM8",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "arrangementActivity": {
                "activityId": "ACCOUNTS-NEW-ARRANGEMENT",
                "partyIds": [
                        "partyId": "800467"
                "arrangmentId": "AA211056V1DV",
                "productId": "NEGOTIABLE.ACCOUNT",
                "currency": "USD",
                "tradeDate": "20210415",
                "arrangementEffectiveDate": "20210415",
                "partyRoles": [
                        "partyRole": "OWNER"

    The account has now been created for the customer.

Procedure: Retrieving Account Details

This API retrieves details, such as:

  • Currency
  • Balances
  • Limit details
  • Arrangement details
  1. Open Postman.
  2. Under Collections select temenos essential apis > Transact > Accounts > Get Account Details.

    get account details

    NOTE: This command returns details of all accounts that have been created. To view a specific account, enter the accountID (800467) at the end of the URL{accountId}.

  3. Click Send. A 200 OK Success message is displayed.


    The API will return a list of the Account details.

    Code Sample: Retrieve Account Details Response
        "header": {
            "audit": {
                "T24_time": 813,
                "responseParse_time": 0,
                "requestParse_time": 0
            "page_start": 1,
            "page_token": "202104157336843624.00,99",
            "total_size": 1,
            "page_size": 99,
            "status": "success"
        "body": [
                "lockedAmount": 0,
                "totalPendingWithdrawalAmount": 0,
                "openActualBalance": 0,
                "customerName": "Tony Stark",
                "availableFunds": 165268.27,
                "onlineClearedBalance": 165268.27,
                "charges": [
                        "propertyName": "Credit Interest|Debit Interest|Special Interest|Periodic Charges",
                        "paymentTypeName": "Interest|Interest Deferred|Interest|Periodic Charge",
                        "paymentMethod": "Capitalise|Capitalise|Capitalise|Capitalise",
                        "paymentFrequency": "Monthly|Monthly|Monthly|Monthly"
                "totalCredits": "0",
                "taxRates": [
                        "taxRate": "15% Withholding Tax"
                "openClearedBalance": 0,
                "interests": [
                        "accrualAmount": "0.00|0.00|0.00",
                        "lastPaidInterestAmount": "0|0|0",
                        "interestPaidYtd": "0.00|0.00|0.00",
                        "interestPropertyName": "Credit Interest|Debit Interest|Special Interest",
                        "consolidateInterests": [
                                "consolidateInterest": "0.02968% Periodic Single Rate |0.03468% Periodic Single Rate |0.50% Fixed Single Rate"
                "totalPendingDepositAmount": 0,
                "openingDate": "2021-04-15",
                "outstandingOverdraftLimit": 0,
                "totalDebits": "0"
    Key Terms: Retrieving Account Details

    Key Terms



    Identifier of the account. Often referred to as the account number. Accepts both IBAN & BBAN


    Identifier of the customer.


    Contains the unique identifier of the product, such as the product ID of the arrangement account. 


    Identifier of the currency. This is the 3-letter ISO 4217 code of the currency.


    Indicates a unique identifier of an account.

Procedure: Transferring Funds

This API transfers funds between accounts as well as details such as:

  • Transaction type
  • Amount
  • Date
  • Commission
  1. Open Postman.
  2. Under Collections select temenos essential apis > Transact > Accounts > POST Funds Transfer.
  3. Click the Body tab to view the payload. You can change any details, such as the amount, creditAccountId, debitAccountId and endToEndReference.
    Code Sample: Funds Transfer Payload
    "header": {
    "body": {
    "debitCurrency": "USD",
    "debitAccountId": "14613",
    "debitAmount": 10000,
    "transactionType": "AC",
    "creditAccountId": "String"
  4.  Click Send. A 200 OK Success message is displayed.

    image 46

    A fund transfer has been created. 

    Code Sample: Funds Transfer Response
        "linkedActivities": [
                "header": {
                    "transactionStatus": "Live",
                    "audit": {
                        "versionNumber": "1"
                    "id": "AAACT211050JQHZFTZ",
                    "status": "success"
                "body": {
                    "arrangementId": "AA21105MH0FX",
                    "activityId": "ACCOUNTS-TRANSFERIN-ARRANGEMENT",
                    "productId": "CURRENT.ACCOUNT",
                    "currencyId": "USD",
                    "effectiveDate": "2021-04-15"
        "header": {
            "transactionStatus": "Live",
            "audit": {
                "T24_time": 4635,
                "responseParse_time": 0,
                "requestParse_time": 0,
                "versionNumber": "1"
            "id": "FT2110557Q4Y",
            "status": "success"
        "body": {
            "transactionType": "AC",
            "creditAccountIBAN": "GB07DEMO60161300126427",
            "debitValueDate": "2021-04-15",
            "debitCurrency": "USD",
            "debitAccountIBAN": "GB54DEMO60161300014613",
            "creditCurrencyId": "USD",
            "creditValueDate": "2021-04-15",
            "debitAccountId": "14613",
            "debitAmount": 10000,
            "creditAccountId": "126427",
            "commissionCode": "DEBIT PLUS CHARGES",
            "profitCentreCustomer": "100283"
    Key Terms: Funds Transfer

    Key Terms



    Username and password to authenticate the API against core-banking.


    Identifier of the lead company of the underlying Entity/Company/Branch for the respective contract for customer data protection purposes. Example US0010001.


    Identifies the device type.


    User who initiated the transaction.