Card Fulfilment APIs Lifecycle Guide

Temenos card fulfilment APIs enable two key fulfilment flows: card issuance and management, and funds authorization and clearing. This guide shows developers how they can use these APIs to create card fulfillment solutions with external systems or proxy services using the generic adapter for integrations to Temenos Exchange.

Resource: View and download the Cards Fulfilment APIs

Fulfilment Flows

The Temenos Exchange components handle cards fulfilment integration between Temenos solutions and external cards management systems. This requires two types of fulfilment flows:

  • Cards issuance and management, which involves:
    • User creation and management.
    • Card product creation and management.
    • Card creation and management.
  • Funds authorization and clearing, which involves:
    • Funds authorization.
    • Funds clearing.
    • Balance inquiries.

Integration Components

Cards fulfilment integration comprises two components:

  • A fulfilment microservice which handles all semantic transformation and enrichment of all fulfilment requests.
  • An adapter that handles syntactic transformations, external system connectivity and point-of-presence.

Important: Although the fulfilment microservice is generic for all the external systems we support, every external system within Temenos Exchange has a dedicated, specific adapter. If the external system isn't a member of Temenos Exchange, then developers can use the generic adapter from Temenos Exchange for integrations.

Solution Architectures

The following high-level architectures show you the components you'll need to create an integration solution for card fulfilment and funds fulfilment respectively.

Cards Fulfilment Flow

Tip: Click diagram to expand.

Cards Fulfilment Flow


Cards fulfilment is requested by the Temenos Exchange adapter and fulfilled by the external cards management system. In this case, the adapter is configured with a webhook service that's hosted by the external system - or its proxy - to receive and fulfil all requests for card issuance. Typically, cards fulfilment involves creating and managing the following resources:

  • Card Users
  • Card Products
  • Cards

Funds Fulfilment Flow

Tip: Click diagram to expand.

Funds Fulfilment Flow

Funds fulfilment is requested by external cards management systems for debit card transactions and fulfilled by Transact through the Temenos Exchange adapter. In this case, the external system proxy is configured with a webhook service that's hosted by the the Temenos Exchange adapter to receive and fulfil all requests for funds. Typically, the following functions for funds fulfilment are supported through the adapter:

  • Funds Authorization
  • Funds Clearing
  • Card Balances

Webhook Services

Generic cards and funds fulfilment adapters from Temenos Exchange use webhooks to integrate with external card management systems or their proxies.

Funds fulfilment is implemented by a webhook service that's run by the Temenos Exchange adapter. This service accepts fulfilment requests and returns responses in JSON format. In a similar way, cards fulfilment is implemented as a webhook service where the adapter sends requests and receives responses in JSON format.


Webhook service endpoints require the following characteristics:

Tip: Click diagram to expand.

Webhook Service Endpoint Characteristics



It's important to secure the webhook service, whether it's card fulfilment hosted by external systems, or funds fulfilment hosted by Temenos Exchange. The supported authentication method is Mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication using certificates.

Message Integrity

It's important to ensure the integrity of the messages which are sent and received carrying fulfilment requests and responses. The supported message integrity method is secret key based HMAC using SHA-256 based hashing.

Failure Handling

Invalid Message Payload

Any invalid data point in message payloads results in the entire request being rejected, even before any fulfilment task is attempted. In such a failure scenario, the respective webhook services respond with http status code 400 - Bad Request with an error message payload.

Failed Fulfilment Requests

Fulfilment requests can fail if the business conditions don't support the request. For example:

Tip: Click diagram to expand.

Failed Fulfilment Requests

In such a failure scenario, the respective webhook services respond with http status code 422 - Unprocessable Entity with a fulfilment failure message payload.

Re-triable Failures

It's not possible to simply retry failed requests, if the request has failed for business reasons or an invalid data point. Changes to the business conditions and/or a change to the request payload are required before the request can be sent again.

However, there are other kinds of failure where no action is required from the request client, and which require requests to be sent again, until the request is fulfilled. The following failures would be retried until they succeeded, with a configurable retry frequency and retry interval.

  • Network or infrastructure failures resulting in http status code 5xx (for example, 502 - Bad Gateway).
  • Configuration failures resulting in http status codes 401, 403, 404 (for example, 401 - Unauthorized).

In fact, it's essential that valid requests which are valid and complete from the requesting client point of view should succeed, wherever possible, through repeated request attempts (bearing in mind the various failure possibilities beyond request payload).

Message Payloads

This section describes the detailed message payloads that are used in fulfilment requests and responses.

Cards Fulfilment Payloads

Cards fulfilment request payloads are prepared and sent by the Temenos Exchange adapter to an external system proxy service that fulfil and return the appropriate responses. If fulfilment is requested from other channels other than Temenos Infinity and completed by the external system then the adapters listen for events through which the respective resources are updated.

Card Users

Card user is a resource that represents the users who request and use the cards. Every card is always owned by a user. Every transaction that's carried out using a card has a user associated with the transaction.

Create User Request

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Value: users.create Type of the request being fulfilled.
userId1 string Conditional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 User for whom the request is fulfilled.
title string Optional Min-length:0,Max-length:5 Title of the user.
firstName string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 First name of the user.
middleName string Optional Min-length:0,Max-length:60 Middle name of the user.
lastName string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Last name of the user.
dateOfBirth string Required Format: yyyy-mm-dd Date of birth of the user.
address object Optional Property details as follows  
address.addressLine1 string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 User's address line 1
address.addressLine2 string Optional Min-length:0,Max-length:60 User's address line 2
address.addressLine3 string Optional Min-length:0,Max-length:60 User's address line 3
address.postalCode string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 User's address postal code string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 User's address country
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the request being placed.

Notes:1userId is either generated by the fulfilment server or supplied as part of the request. If the fulfilment service is capable of using the supplied Id, this property becomes Required

Create User Response

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Value: users.create Type of the request being fulfilled.
userId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the user that's been created.
state string Optional Fixed Values: ACTIVE,INACTIVE State of the user that's been created.
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the request being placed.

Update User Request

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Value: users.create Type of the request being fulfilled.
userId string Conditional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 User for whom the request is fulfilled.
title string Optional Min-length:0,Max-length:5 Title of the user.
firstName string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 First name of the user.
middleName string Optional Min-length:0,Max-length:60 Middle name of the user.
lastName string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Last name of the user.
dateOfBirth string Required Format: yyyy-mm-dd Date of birth of the user.
address object Optional Property details as follows  
address.addressLine1 string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 User's address line 1
address.addressLine2 string Optional Min-length:0,Max-length:60 User's address line 2
address.addressLine3 string Optional Min-length:0,Max-length:60 User's address line 3
address.postalCode string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 User's address postal code string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 User's address country
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the request being placed.

Notes: 1userId is either generated by the fulfilment server or supplied as part of the request. If the fulfilment service is capable of using the supplied Id, then this property becomes Required.

Update User Response

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Value: users.create Type of the request being fulfilled.
userId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the user that's been created.
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the request being placed.

Card Products

Card products resources represent a higher level definition for cards which can inherit their properties and behaviour from them. Cards products can be created in the external systems directly, but still require events to update the rest of Temenos solutions. When events are received for updates from external systems, the Temenos Exchange adapter responds with an acknowledgement through the http status code 200 - OK.

Card Product Created Event

Property Type Requirement Values Description
eventId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
sourceReference string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Source reference for the card product request.
eventType string Required Fixed Value: products.created Type of the event received for updates.
productId1 string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:4 Id of the card product in the external system.
productName string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:35 Name of the card product in the external system.
state string Optional Fixed Values:ACTIVE,INACTIVE State of the card product. Default: ACTIVE
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the request being placed.

Notes:1productId is restricted to a maximum of 4 characters in Transact. This needs to be taken into account when products are created in external systems.

Card Product Updated Event

Property Type Requirement Values Description
eventId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
eventType string Required Fixed Value: products.created Type of the event received for updates.
productId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:4 Id of the card product in the external system.
productName string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:35 Name of the card product in the external system.
state string Optional Fixed Values:ACTIVE,INACTIVE State of the card product. Default: ACTIVE
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the request being placed.


Card resources represent the cards that are issued under a card product and used by a user. Each card transitions through various states during its lifecycle.

Create Card Request

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Value: cards.issue Type of request being fulfilled.
userId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the user for whom the card is created.
cardProductId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the product to create this card under.
cardId1 string Conditional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the card being created
reason string Required Fixed Values: NEW,REISSUE_LOST,REISSUE_EXPIRED Reason for this card creation request
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the request being placed
fulfilment.personalization.text string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Personalised text to appear on the card.
fulfilment.personalization.nameLine1 string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Personalised name to appear on the card.
fulfilment.personalization.nameLine2 string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Personalised name to appear on the card.
fulfilment.shipping.method string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Shipping method, if requested by the user.
fulfilment.shipping.address.addressLine1 string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Shipping address line 1
fulfilment.shipping.address.addressLine2 string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Shipping address line 2
fulfilment.shipping.address.addressLine3 string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Shipping address line 3
fulfilment.shipping.address.postalCode string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Shipping address postal code string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Shipping address country

Note: 1cardId is either generated by the fulfilment server or supplied as part of the request. If the fulfilment service is capable of using the supplied Id, this property becomes Required.

Create Card Response

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Value: cards.issue Type of request being fulfilled.
cardId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the card that's been created.
maskedPan string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:16 Masked PAN (the last four digits of the card number) that's used by the users to identify their cards.
startDate string Required Format: yyyy-MM-dd Start date of this card.
expiryDate string Required Format: yyyy-MM-dd Expiry date of this card.
state string Optional Fixed Values: ISSUED, ACTIVE Status of the card that's been created
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the request being placed.

Card Transition Request

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Value: cards.issue Type of request being fulfilled.
cardId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the card for transition.
state string Optional Fixed Values: ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, TERMINATED Status of the card to be transitioned to.
reason string Required Fixed Values: NEW,REISSUE_LOST,REISSUE_EXPIRED Reason for this transition request.
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the request being placed.

Card Transition Response

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Value: cards.issue Type of request being fulfilled.
cardId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the transitioned card.
state string Optional Fixed Values: ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, TERMINATED Status of the card after transition.
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time of the processed request.

Cards Fulfilment: Sample Payloads

Sample Card User Create Request

 "requestId": "082d87ce-624b-42bc-90c5-80b7eaf9ea18",
 "requestType": "users.create",
 "userId": "5aeeff23-0778-4c81-9ffa-4bf87a2944d8",
 "processingTime": "2022-11-28T09:19:05.388Z",
 "firstName": "Alex",
 "middleName": "Mallen",
 "lastName": "Jones",
 "dateOfBirth": "1991-01-01",
 "address": {
 "addressLine1": "1234 Grove Street",
 "addressLine2": "East Boulevard Road",
 "addressLine3": "Berkeley",
 "country": "USA",
 "postalCode": "94702"


Sample Card User Create Response

 "requestId": "082d87ce-624b-42bc-90c5-80b7eaf9ea18",
 "requestType": "users.create",
 "userId": "5aeeff23-0778-4c81-9ffa-4bf87a2944d8",
 "state": "ACTIVE",
 "processingTime": "2022-11-28T09:20:57Z"


Sample Card User Update Request

 "requestId": "c8a768e9-320c-40f3-a0df-951a090039b0",
 "requestType": "users.update",
 "userId": "5aeeff23-0778-4c81-9ffa-4bf87a2944d8",
 "firstName": "Alex",
 "lastName": "Jones",
 "dateOfBirth": "1991-01-01",
 "address": {
 "addressLine1": "1234 Grove Street",
 "addressLine2": "West Boulevard Road",
 "country": "USA",
 "postalCode": "94702"
 "processingTime": "2022-11-28T09:19:05.388Z"


Sample Card User Update Response

 "requestId": "c8a768e9-320c-40f3-a0df-951a090039b0",
 "requestType": "users.update",
 "userId": "5aeeff23-0778-4c81-9ffa-4bf87a2944d8",
 "processingTime": "2022-11-28T09:20:57Z"


Sample Card Create Request

 "requestId": "e3838469-f5c8-48c7-838e-9daadbfd7654",
 "requestType": "cards.issue",
 "userId": "cfbe4bfe-4296-4f54-86e1-8a21e8baeda8",
 "cardProductId": "VISA",
 "cardId": "6e1c2d0a-2acd-4359-8a9b-6949f74f60ae",
 "reason": "NEW",
 "processingTime": "2022-11-17T08:50:57Z"


Sample Card Create Response

 "requestId": "e3838469-f5c8-48c7-838e-9daadbfd7654",
 "requestType": "card.issue",
 "cardId": "6e1c2d0a-2acd-4359-8a9b-6949f74f60ae",
 "maskedPan": "4532",
 "startDate": "2022-11-17",
 "expiryDate": "2027-11-17",
 "state": "ISSUED",
 "processingTime": "2022-11-17T08:51:57Z"


Sample Card Transition Request

 "requestId": "a2c3c090-d6b6-4389-a58e-64ca02eb050f",
 "requestType": "cards.transition",
 "cardId": "cfbe4bfe-4296-4f54-86e1-8a21e8baeda8",
 "state": "ACTIVE",
 "reason": "NEW",
 "processingTime": "2022-11-17T08:52:57Z"


Sample Card Transition Response

 "requestId": "a2c3c090-d6b6-4389-a58e-64ca02eb050f",
 "requestType": "cards.transition",
 "cardId": "6e1c2d0a-2acd-4359-8a9b-6949f74f60ae",
 "status": "TERMINATED",
 "processingTime": "2022-11-17T08:53:57Z"


Sample Card Product Created Event

 "eventId": "12b14c77-4304-4157-b640-5a7f38b5dbbe",
 "sourceReference": "fulfilledEvent",
 "eventType": "products.created",
 "productId": "VISA",
 "state": "ACTIVE",
 "productName": "Generic Card Product",
 "processingTime": "2025-07-31T23:59:59Z"


Sample Card Product Updated Event

 "eventId": "b2114c77-4304-5741-b640-5a7f38b5dbbe",
 "eventType": "products.updated",
 "productId": "VISA",
 "productName": "Easy Shop Debit Card",
 "state": "ACTIVE",
 "processingTime": "2025-07-31T23:59:59Z"

Funds Fulfilment Payloads

Funds fulfilment request payloads are prepared and sent by external system proxy services to the Temenos Exchange adapter which fulfills the requests in Transact and returns the appropriate responses.


Funds resources represent operations on funding, such as authorization, clearing and balances. Each debit card has an active account associated with it, which is acted on for every transaction.

Funds Fulfillment Request

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Values: authorization,authorization.incremental, authorization.reversal, authorization.refund, clearing,, clearing.refund, balances.inquiry Type of request being fulfilled.
cardOwnerId string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the user who owns the card account.
cardUserId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the user who used the card for this transaction request.
cardId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the card used for the transaction.
cardNetwork string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Card network which processed the transaction.
userActionTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time at which the user carried out the transaction
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time at which the request was processed by the client (external system /proxy)
transaction string Conditional Property details as follows string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:35 Unique identifier for the transaction
transaction.amount decimal Required Format: Positive amount, for example, 20.34 Amount used in transaction, excluding fees
transaction.currencyCode string Required Format: ISO 4217 currency code Currency code for the transaction amount
transaction.narratives string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:250 Text description for this transaction
transaction.linkId string Conditional Same as Id of the first transaction this transaction is a part of
fees object Conditional Property details as follows  
fees object Conditional Property details as follows  
fees.totalAmount decimal Required Format: Positive amount, for example, 20.34 Total amount reserved or debited towards fees
fees.currencyCode string Required Format: ISO 4217 currency code Currency code of the total fee amount
fees.details string Optional Property details as follows  
fees.details[].type string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Specifies the fee, for example, Processing fee
fees.details[].amount decimal Required Format: Positive amount, for example 20.34 Amount for a specified fee
fees.details[].currencyCode string Required Format: ISO 4217 currency code Currency code for the specified fee
cardAcceptor object Conditional Property details as follows Card accepting merchant
cardAcceptor.merchantId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the merchant accepting the card
cardAcceptor.categoryCode string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Category code (mcc) of the merchant accepting the card string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 City of the merchant accepting the card
cardAcceptor.countryCode string Optional Format: ISO 3166 country code Country code of the merchant accepting the card
cardAcquirer object Optional Property details as follows Card transaction acquiring institution
cardAcquirer.institutionId string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Id of the transaction acquiring institution
cardAcquirer.countryCode string Optional Format: ISO 3166 country code Country code of the transaction acquiring institution
cardAcquirer.transactionRef string Optional Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Unique reference for this transaction within the acquiring platform

Funds Fulfilment Success Response

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Values: authorization,authorization.incremental, authorization.reversal, authorization.refund, clearing,, clearing.refund, balances.inquiry Type of request being fulfilled.
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time at which the request was processed by the client (external system /proxy)
transaction string Conditional Property details as follows string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:35 Unique identifier for the transaction
transaction.amount decimal Required Format: Positive amount, for example, 20.34 Amount used in transaction, excluding fees
transaction.currencyCode string Required Format: ISO 4217 currency code Currency code for the transaction amount
transaction.linkId string Conditional Same as Id of the first transaction this transaction is a part of
balances string Conditional Property details as follows Balances response for request type balance.inquiry
balances[].type string Required Min-length:1,Max-length:60 Type of balance, for example, available, ledger
balances[].amount decimal Required Format: Amount, for example 3020.34 Balance amount of the associated type
balances[].currencyCode string Required Format: ISO 4217 currency code Currency code for the associated balance amount

Funds Fulfilment Failure Response

Property Type Requirement Values Description
requestId string Required Format: UUID (v4) Unique Id for a request being fulfilled.
requestType string Required Fixed Values: authorization,authorization.incremental, authorization.reversal, authorization.refund, clearing,, clearing.refund, balances.inquiry Type of request being fulfilled.
processingTime string Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time at which the request was processed by the client (external system /proxy)
declinedReason string Required Fixed Values: INVALID_USER INVALID_CARD INVALID_AMOUNT INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS CLOSED_ACCOUNT INVALID_TRANSACTION Reason funds fulfilment was declined

Funds Fulfilment Error Response

Property Type Requirement Values Description
code number Required Format: Positive number Code that defines a specific error in the request payload
message array Required Array of error messages Human readable message about the error in the request payload
timestamp number Required Format: yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ Date-time at which the error occurred

Funds Fulfilment: Sample Payloads

Sample Funds Fulfilment Request

 "requestId": "49db0c72-5c7f-4a34-8645-9e1cb4cc60c8",
 "requestType": "authorization",
 "cardId": "3b5d5881-5e73-414c-becb-483fefb7ac7b",
 "cardUserId": "21cbf147-43a4-41bd-8fe6-1ce0029c1140",
 "userActionTime": "2022-11-01T05:47:48.929Z",
 "processingTime": "2022-11-01T05:48:22.919Z",
 "transaction": {
 "id": "5412734920648",
 "amount": 57.23,
 "currencyCode": "USD",
 "narratives": "Restaurant Bill"
 "fees": {
 "totalAmount": 5,
 "currencyCode": "USD",
 "details": [
 "name": "feetype1",
 "amount": 5,
 "currencyCode": "USD"
 "cardAcceptor": {
 "merchantId": "F1984",
 "categoryCode": "1111",
 "name": "McDonalds SF"
 "cardAcquirer": {
 "institutionId": "849411",
 "transactionReference": "c93690d5-eed0-4295-8f5d-6e35c3014838"


Sample Funds Fulfilment Success Response (HTTP Status Code 200 - OK)

 "requestType": "authorization",
 "requestId": "49db0c72-5c7f-4a34-8645-9e1cb4cc60c8",
 "transaction": {
 "id": "5412734920648",
 "amount": 57.23,
 "narratives": "Restaurant Bill",
 "currencyCode": "USD"


Sample Funds Fulfilment Failure Response (HTTP Status Code 422 - Unprocessable Entity)

 "requestId": "49db0c72-5c7f-4a34-8645-9e1cb4cc60c8",
 "requestType": "authorization",
 "declinedReason": "INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS"


Sample Funds Fulfilment Error Response (HTTP Status Code 400 - Bad Request)

 "code": "400100",
 "message": "Invalid requestType. Not one of [authorization, authorization.incremental, authorization.
reversal, authorization.refund, authorization.refund.reversal, clearing,, clearing.refund, 
 "timestamp": "2022-12-05T07:45:37Z"

View and Download the Card Fulfilment APIs

Resource: View and download the Cards Fulfilment APIs