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Temenos Explorer End User Guide

This document is the basic user guide for Temenos Explorer (TEX) framework, describing features common across all user agent applications.

This document does not describe the operation of individual plugin applications (User Agents) hosted within Temenos Explorer.

Login Page

The Temenos Explorer login page is provided by Keycloak. Input your credentials and click the “Sign In” button to login.

Login dialog

Temenos Explorer facilities are all accessed through the navigation bar at the top of the page. Plugin applications (User Agents) appear in the space below this.

Navigation bar

Opening the menu

The Temenos Explorer menu is opened by clicking on the ‘hamburger’ icon at the top corner of the screen.


Using the menu

The Temenos Explorer menu provides access to all menu options for all plugin applications associated with the current role.

Sub-menus can be opened or closed by clicking on their title. Clicking on a menu option will start the appropriate plugin application.

It is possible to search for a specific menu option by typing into the search box. This will filter the list of menu options to only those that contain the characters typed.

Clearing the search box will result in the original full menu being available.

Using the menu

Transact Explorer within Temenos Explorer

Temenos Explorer also supports the running of Transact Explorer pages if that is installed. These are accessed from the Transact Explorer sub-menu, saving the need for the user to run two browser windows if they wish to briefly switch to a Transact screen.

Transact Explorer menu

Closing the menu

The menu automatically closes when an option is clicked, or it can be closed manually by clicking on the X at the top corner of the screen.

Closing the menu

Selecting a role

If the user has been configured to perform several roles, you can switch between roles easily:

Clicking on the ‘person’ icon will open the role selection window.

Role icon button

From here you can see the currently selected role and can click on an alternative role if required.

Role icon button

Changing settings

Clicking the ‘cog’ icon will open the settings window.

Settings icon button

Clicking on a setting will change its value. When the Save button is clicked, the changes will take effect. Plugin applications are expected to monitor for changes to settings and act upon them.

Settings dialog

Setting details

The window provides setting of following user agent attributes:

  • Language – the framework supports three languages “English,” “French”, and “Spanish”, any other language can be added to the configuration.
  • Layout direction – Left to right or Right to left
  • Date format - various international options are available
  • Numeric format - various international options are available

These settings persist in the browser’s local storage, so are specific to the user and device.

Accessing the health check

Authorised users will see a ‘health’ icon. Clicking on the health icon will open the health check window.

Health check icon button

From here you can see if connections to key services are available.

Health check dialog

Opening each section reveals additional details.

Health check dialog

The list of endpoints to be checked is held in Temenos Explorer’s configuration.

Saving bookmarks

Temenos Explorer updates the URL seen at the top of the browser to reflect the current location. The browser’s bookmark functionality can be used to mark pages for future use and will result in Temenos Explorer returning to the specified location.

Logging out of Temenos Explorer

Clicking on the ‘exit’ icon will logout from Temenos Explorer, ending the session in Keycloak.

Logout button