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Configuring the SRMS Mock Server

There is no specific configuration required to use the SRMS mock server aside from the need to change the port number if there is a clash.

Port Number

If you are a macOS user or the default ports 5000/5001 are used by something else on your system then you will need to update the port numbers used. The port numbers need to be updated in the following locations:

  • Update the following block of code in /TemenosExplorer/nodefilewrite.mjs to use alternative ports to 5000 and 5001:
// Server listens for requests on port 5000

// Application listens for requests on port 5001
app.listen(5001, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Listening on ports 5000/5001");

console.log("Node.js web server at port 5000/5001 is running...");
  • Update the MOCKSERVERROOTURL property in /TemenosExplorer/public/TA_config.js (*) to use the same alternative port to 5000

    (*) See/consider ConfigServlet if Temenos Exporer is going to be deployed as a WAR

Running SRMS Mock Server

The SRMS Mock Server is automatically started when you run Temenos Explorer. To run Temenos Explorer follow these steps:

  1. Go to the terminal (select "Terminal -> New Terminal" from the file menu if no terminal is open)
  2. Navigate to the TemenosExplorer folder
  3. Run the command npm run start
  4. Open the specified local URL in your browser (e.g. http://localhost:8001)