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How to Add a Menu Item

The Temenos Explorer menu is accessible by clicking on the icon to the left of the Temenos logo:

The Temenos Explorer menu

The items shown in the menu are defined in a configuration file.

The menu configuration is located in /TemenosExplorer/public/TA_menu.js.

Top Level Config

All menu entries are added into the Menus array within the MENUS object:

const MENUS = 
/* Add menu configuration here */

Menu Entry

All plugins must have a single menu entry. This defines the top level menu item for the plugin:

"MenuId": "SampleMenu",

The properties of the menu entry are as follows:

MenuIdstringA unique ID that is used to map user roles to the menus they are permitted to access
MenuarrayAn object containing either a sub-menu or an individual item entry

Depending on what you add into the Menu array, the menu entry can directly link to a plugin or can contain a sub-menu of child items (see below).

Sub-Menu Entry

If a menu entry contains a sub-menu, it becomes expandable and will display a list of item entries:

"MenuId": "SampleMenu",
"type": "menu",
"label": "Sample Menu",
"open": false,
"childItems": []

The properties of the sub-menu entry are as follows:

typestringMust have the value "menu"
labelstringThe label to show in the menu, either as a string literal or a translation reference
openbooleanIf true the menu will be expanded by default, if false the menu will be collapsed by default
childItemsarrayArray of item entries (see below)

Item Entry

An item entry is a direct link to a plugin:

"type": "item",
"label": "Example Plugin",
"actionId": "example",
"querystring": {}

The properties of the item entry are as follows:

typestringMust have the value "item"
labelstringThe label to show in the menu, either as a string literal or a translation reference
- The name of a plugin to invoke when the menu item is selected (must match the plugin folder name in /TemenosExplorer/public/plugins/)
- A URL which will be opened in a new browser tab/window
querystringobjectAttribute value pairs to be passed to the plugin index.html page when loaded. This can be used to link to specific pages or functions within your plugin.


Example 1 - Single Item

The following is an example of a menu entry with no sub-menu and a single item entry:

const MENUS = 
"MenuId": "SampleMenu",
"type": "item",
"label": "Example Plugin",
"actionId": "example",
"querystring": {}

Menu example 1

Example 2 - Sub-Menu

The following is an example of a menu entry with a sub-menu containing multiple item entries:

const MENUS = 
"MenuId": "SampleMenu",
"type": "menu",
"label": "Sample Menu",
"open": false,
"childItems": [
"type": "item",
"label": "Example Plugin 1",
"actionId": "example1",
"querystring": {}
"type": "item",
"label": "Example Plugin 2",
"actionId": "example2",
"querystring": {}

Menu example 2