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Development Tools

This guide outlines the development tools and dependencies you will need to install before developing for Temenos Explorer.

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code is the recommended IDE to use as it is lightweight, free and comes with lots of useful tools to help with your development.

Download Visual Studio Code (external link)

You can use another IDE (e.g. IntelliJ, Eclipse) if preferred.

node.js and npm

You will need node.js to run Temenos Explorer locally and npm to download development and runtime dependencies.

To test if you already have node.js and npm installed you can do the following:

  • Run the command node -v in a terminal/command prompt to check if you have node.js installed.
  • Run the command npm -v in a terminal/command prompt to check if you have npm installed.

If these commands return a version number, then you have node.js and npm installed. If not then please download and install node.js and npm using the combined installer below:

Download node.js and npm (external link)

Version Requirements

Temenos Explorer requires node.js v16 or later. It is recommended that you install and use the latest version of node.js.

Optional Extras

During the installation process you can exclude the optional extras to avoid unnecessary downloads.