APIs to create, update and retrieve the various holdings of the customer and financial institution. For example, accounts, arrangements, balances and treasury/securities instrument positions.
The Arrangement Architecture is a Temenos Transact Framework to create and manage various products such as loans, deposits, accounts, etc. It provides a modular business component-based architecture, whereby users can create their products by using the components provided by Temenos and these components can be reused across multiple different products.This API can be used to create and manage various types of accounts such as current, savings, corporate, islamic, non-resident and minor accounts created using the Arrangement Architecture.
API to manage account related services such as retrieving balances, transaction and card details, emergency blocks, funds diversion, reservations, proxy identifiers and account closures. In addition, it provides functionality to support the capability to switch accounts from the current system to another bank.
API to manage account related services such as retrieving balances, transaction and card details, emergency blocks, funds diversion, reservations, proxy identifiers and account closures. In addition, it provides functionality to support the capability to switch accounts from the current system to another bank.
API to retrieve the details of arrangement conditions such as charge, interest, limits, overdue, payment schedule, agent, alerts, and commitment. This API also allows to retrieve the pricing evaluation details, product qualification details, delivery messages, payment order, events and repayment schedules
API to retrieve the cash management bundle arrangements and associated details such as bundle balances, bundle hierarchy, status events, etc
Channels User Administration - Holdings APIs are used to create online service arrangements containing privileges, permissions for Channel users. Online Service Arrangements are CUSTOMER specific, personalized instances of a Online Service Product, for example, providing access to the Online Banking.
Creates customer collateral with details such as collateral name, type, subtype, currency, amount, property address and flood insurance.
API to retrieve the limits, trade finance, guarantees and other corporate approval requests
Create or amend a Facility with US specific attributes and retrieves the Facility details along with its drawings information
APIs to create, manage and approve or cancel credit limits types and limits overseen by the credit committee. Credit Limits are overdraft features on a contract or account of a customer approved by credit committee. These APIs also provides review reports, expiry reports and utilization reports of the credit limits categorized by customer or credit limit type.
API to manage Credit Line related information such as updating, retrieving and deleting the contract associated with limit and transactions posted against the contract.
The arrangement architecture is a Temenos Transact framework to create and manage various products such as loans, deposits, accounts, etc. It provides a modular business component-based architecture, whereby users can create their products by using the components provided by Temenos and these components can be reused across multiple different products. API to create and manage various types of deposits such as short term, long term, call, bonds and Islamic deposits (Mudaraba and Wakala).
Allows the viewing and creation of option contracts to assign/exercise/expire based on either the trade reference selected or the trades filtered based on - Derivatives Contract, Maturity Date, Options(Call / Put) and Strike Price
The Arrangement Architecture is a Temenos Transact Framework to create and manage various products such as Loans, Deposits, Accounts, etc. It provides a modular business component-based architecture, whereby users can create their Products by using the components provided by Temenos and these components can be reused across multiple different Products.This API can be used to create and manage various types of accounts such as Current, Savings, Corporate, Islamic, Non-resident and Minor accounts created using the Arrangement Architecture.
API to manage financial accounting related infomartion such as updating, retrieving and deleting journal entries, general ledger account.
Update probability of default (the probability that the asset will default) and loss given default (the loss percentage given that when the asset will default) at contract level to calculate the expected credit loss based on their stages under IFRS 9 impairment model.
Initiate Calculate Payoff activity to calculate loan payment to close an account
API to initiate update payment holiday activity for a loan account
API to manage Credit Limit related information such as updating, retrieving and deleting the contract associated with limit and transactions posted against the contract. This contains two types of functionalities supported, one - to record contract static information like contract nature, currency, term or maturity, creation date, contract status and type of credit limit supporting the contract, other - to record credit or debit transaction movements like commitment or utilization or repayment of original contract associated with the credit limit
API to manage credit limit related information such as retrieving limit utilisation or outstandings, limit cashflow, overdrawn limits, limits review & expiry, sublimit details and manage limit sharing group details of master and sub groups.
Manage and retrieves the list of arrangement for a given product line
API to create and manage various types of loans such as personal, commercial, mortgage, line of credit, etc
API to create and manage the details of collateral submitted by a customer, its value(s) and to optionally link it directly to a customer's supporting deals and can classify them under different collateral types and sub types offered by the system
API to create and manage various types of fixed assets like Vehicles, Equipments, Land and Buildings
Allows management of Forex utilisations for external settlement contracts
Allows to create deposit accounts, perform updates to deposit information like statement frequency, renewal, change schedule etc, and view deposit summary.
Retrieves account balance and summary information to be utilized for building customer dashboard
API to view loan information like ownership, roles, balances, due amounts, payment history, collateral details, limit, etc,.
Create, update account, change account product, retrieve account summary and overview, statement addresses and list of accounts available for a customer
Create US Deposit accounts, update deposit information like statement frequency, renewal, change schedule etc, and view deposit summary
API to retrieve Safe deposit box information like Ownership, rent, due amounts, caution deposit, box status, visit information, etc
The arrangement architecture is a Temenos Transact framework to create and manage various products such as loans, deposits, accounts, multi currency account, etc. It provides a modular business component-based architecture, whereby users can create their Products by using the components provided by Temenos and these components can be reused across multiple different products. This API can be used to create and manage various types of multi currency accounts created using the arrangement architecture.
Retrieves the details of a facility arrangement account. It includes purchase summary and details of drawings such as interest rates, installment dates, installment amounts, total payment amounts and cash back applicable for the installment products under the facility arrangement
API to simulate update payment holiday activity for a loan account
API to retrieve active spot and forward forex positions and closed forex (asset and liability) positions across each currency based on the forex contract's maturity status. Matured contracts are placed in the asset/liability position bucket and active positions are classified into spot/forward positions based on the contract maturity period.
API to retrieve the cash flow details of the interest rate swap contracts and calculates the present value of both asset leg and liability leg cash flows. In case of cross currency swap contracts this API calculates the currency wise daily profit/loss incurred from the NPV revaluation based on the discount rate provided.
API to retrieve the currency exchange rate (market middle rate) of a foreign currency with respect to local currency of the institution, which is stored and updated regularly in the system data records. This middle rate is used in the revaluation process to revalue the foreign currency positions.
API to create and amend non-deliverable forward contract based on the contract details supplied.It also facilitates to update the rate (fix) of a non-deliverable forward contract.
APIs to manage the API ecosystem for API reference information and retrieving the query and table definitions.
APIs to create, update and retrieve various types of order instructions, such as payments, transfers and treasury/securities instrument orders.
API manages the accounting requests from teller or branch transaction processing systems for supporting single and multi-transaction, teller transactions and bulk checks deposits. A branch transaction with one entry (single transaction) or more(multi-transaction), may be posted to one more of the accounts through the branch entry request. Branch entry request will be posted in bulk mode in order to validate each entry in a request and ensure that they can be applied on the account, before posting the entries. A branch entries can be initiated for posting single or multiple entries transaction of various types likes check deposit, check withdrawal, cash deposit, cash withdrawal, funds transfer, vault transfer, internal account postings, till transfers. To reverse an existing entry, the original request must be passed again by sending original transaction reference in tranReference and setting reversalMarker as 'Y'.
API for cash management to create and update bundle accounts
API to create, update and retrieve the details of account sweep services
API to create, update and manage transactions related to accounts such as inward/outward funds transfers and bulk transfers.
API to create, update and manage the standing instructions of an account to pay a set amount at regular intervals to another's account.
API handles accounting requests from teller or branch transaction processing systems and supports single and multi-line transaction and bulk checks deposits. A branch transaction with one entry (single transaction) or more (multi-line transaction), may be posted to one more of the accounts through the branch entry request. Branch entry request will be posted in bulk mode so that each entry in a request is validated before posting all the entries. A branch posting request can be initiated for posting single or multiple entries of various payment types like check deposit, check withdrawal, cash deposit, cash withdrawal, funds transfer, vault transfer, internal account postings, till transfers etc., To reverse an existing entry, the original request must be passed again by sending original transaction reference in transReference and setting reversalMarker as 'Y'.
API to create ACH (Automated Clearing House) and wire payments, standing orders, automatic debit instructions, place holds on account and stop checks.
Retrieves the number of payments that are available in operational queues
Retrieves the list of payments that are available in the approval queue.
Retrieve the list of payments that are pending for acknowledgment or cover from clearing or SWIFT
Retrieve the list of payments that are available in the exception queue for manual action.
Retrieve the list of payments awaiting response from external systems
Retrieve the list of return payments that requires manual action
Retrieve the list of return payments that requires manual action
Retail Sweep Details where the requested Account is a Debit Account to the Sweep
Allows the creation, viewing and management of payments and transfers
API to manage the Payments settings related to local clearing payments
Retrieves payments list for which cutoff time is assigned and pending to be processed.
APIs updates and retrieves information on cash transactions performed by a customer
APIs to create, update and retrieve the customer and financial institution related data such as the name/address, KYC details, documents and customer contact logs
API to create data rights management report for customer
API to create, update and manage the customers' (data subjects') data protection consent and rights for the processing of their personal data. It defines a set of enhanced rights for individuals over the collection, usage of their personal data and the right to restrict processing.
Allows the creation, viewing and management of customer documents and images.
API to create, update and manage customer details such as delivery preferences, joint customer details, party relationships, KYC details, alert subscriptions, customer exit status, customer address formats & posting restrictions
Allows the viewing, creation and management of MiFID client information
API to create, view and manage the customer external account aggregation connections
Retrieves the list of accounts(Accounts,Deposits,Loans) available for a customer
Allows the creation, viewing and management of messages to and from customers.
API to create, update and manage the external user profiles for user administration
Update probability of default (the probability that the asset will default) and loss given default (the loss percentage given that when the asset default) at customer level to calculate the expected credit loss based on their stages under IFRS 9 impairment model.
Allows the creation, viewing and management of customer delivery preferences.
API to retrieve and manage external user preferences and profiles
API to create, update and manage beneficiary details related to payment processing
API to create, update and manage signatory mandates and perform mandate check simulation for a transaction. Mandates are configurable settings in the system for financial or non financial transactions that require a set of valid signatories approvals before transactions can be authorized
The customer service API allows to create, update and modify customer, contact details, address and beneficiary. Separate URIs are available for corporate and individual customers to update or retrieve specific information like address, secondary address, credit score, KYC, relation, beneficial ownership information for corporates, etc,.
API to create, update and manage customer details such as delivery preferences, joint customer details, party relationships, KYC details, alert subscriptions, customer exit status, customer address formats & posting restrictions
API to create and manage suppliers involved in fixed assets
Retrieve customer information required for infinity integration
Allows to create, view or manage a securities customer and block chain id.
APIs to manage the product related details such as the product catalogue, product types/groups and interest conditions
API to create, amend and retrieve the bundle arrangement conditions
API to identify and retrieve the eligible product details, based on the interest of the customer
Update probability of default (the probability that the asset will default) and loss given default (the loss percentage given that when the asset default) at product or group of product level to calculate the expected credit loss based on their stages under IFRS 9 impairment model.
API to create, update and manage the product definition details, interest conditions, repayment calculator, simulate a loan contract and project the schedules
API to retrieve the list of products under the Marketing Catalogue
APIs to manage general reference data, such as currencies, countries, IBAN structures and Swift bank codes.
Allows the viewing of Instruments - Bonds, Equities, Futures, Options, Active IPOs,Funds and Crypto assets
Retrieves the details of events configured for generation along with their respective topic names.
API to validate and retrieve the Bank Identifier Code (BIC) related details. The BIC is the SWIFT Address assigned to a bank in order to send automated payments to the banks concerned. It uniquely identifies the name and country of the bank and consists of 8-11 characters. Example format AAAABBCCDDD, where AAAA: 4 character bank code, BB: 2 character country code, CC: 2 character location code, DDD: optional 3 character branch code.
Retrieves the Exchange and Internal Rate mapped for a bundle master account
API to retrieve the details of category codes used to classify financial transactions on T24 according to the type of business operation or product.
API to retrieve the list of collateral types and subtypes offered by the system. These classifications are used to categorize the customer collaterals
API to retrieve the details of countries that are available in the system. Each country is identified by its ISO country code
API to retrieve the list of currencies that are available in the system including the buy and sell rate defined for each currency. Each currency is identified by its ISO currency code.
API to retrieve the list of department or account officers defined in the system used for various purposes such as recording transactions allocated to an account officer or for customer relationship management i.e. an account officer can be assigned to different customers.
API to create, approve an entity and create an entity group. Retrieve list of entities, exchange rate of an entity, master entity and list of entity groups.
API to manage the different industry definition available in the system. Industries are categorized based on type or nature of work like health care, sports, non-profit institutions, etc.
API to retrieve the details of Basic and Periodic Interest Rates, history of interest rate changes and base rate identifiers and associated descriptions available in the system.
API to manage International Bank Account Number (IBAN) related services. The IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric characters comprising a country code; two check digits; and a number that includes the domestic bank account number, branch identifier, and potential routing information. IBAN example: GB29HBUK40972924681012
API to manage the different job titles available in the system. Job title identifies the role or nature of the job like accountant, professor, manager, etc.
Retrieves customer types available for corporates and individuals
Retrieves the of post-nominal or designatory titles allowed for a customer.
Retrieves customer risk rating for classification of US customer. A rating of 100 to 109 is allowed for a Customer
Retrieves available customer titles allowed for US customers
Retrieve the deposit sub-classification codes provied by FDIC
Retrieves US industry classification or NAICS codes
Retrieves the available convenants that can be associated with a loan based on the terms agreed for the loan
APIs to retrieve the working day and holiday information that is used by the organization, either a list for all legal entities or for a specific legal entity.
API retrieves the organization structure details defined in the system
API to get the overdraft protection options offered by the financial institutions
API to define any type of posting restrictions which may be imposed on accounts or customers. Posting restriction determines whether specific transaction should be approved or restricted based on the definition. It manages the details such as restriction type, restriction reason, restriction removal reason, allowed or excluded transaction codes which may be assigned to account or customer. Therefore, any transaction meeting the specified conditions will receive a warning.
API to retrieve the details of relationship types that are used to specify various types of relations that could exist between customers
API to create, update, retrieve and delete funds reservation type which indicates whether funds blocked or reserved using this type must be applied to single account or group of accounts in a cash pooling facility
API to manage the different sectors available in the system. Sectors are used to categorize a customer or entity as individual, agency, financial corporations, banks, etc.
API to retrieve variety of information in relation to financial institutions such as the National Identifier (nationalId) codes, Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) details and Global Payment Initiative (GPI) participant details. LEIs are identification codes that enable consistent and accurate identification of all legal entities that are parties to financial transactions, including non-financial institutions
APIs to manage transaction code details. Transaction codes or types are unique identifiers indicating the type of transaction carried out in the system.
Allows the configuration of the Treasury limits. The user can set Intraday, Overnight and Stop loss limit. Limits can be set to monitor transaction size and also at product level.
API to retrieve periods and dates for defined time buckets TOM (tomorrow), Spot, Spot next etc.
Use these APIs to configure and fine tune settings for pricing assessment and the static tables used in payment channels.
Creates customer closure parameter with properties such as enabling new customer closure process at SYSTEM level, and application specific checks for presence of customer data at the level of Id/Field/Api.
Pricing assessment configuration for a set of related parties
APIs to manage and retrieve system settings and details of the available system services such as online upgrades, close of business and ad-hoc services.
Creates , amends and retrieves the service profile elasticity features including upscaling and downscaling of processing agents, enabling dynamic provisioning and cleaning up inactive pods
Create, update and retrieve the signature of a method such as parameter name, data type and other options which is used to invoke.
APIs to create and retrieve event streaming configuration data. These APIs can also be used to capture the Data Replications enabled records from memory when a transaction is committed to the system.
API to manage delivery channels or services with definitions of interface used by the services , protocol details, message transformation, formatting module, address rules and local authentication details. These definitions allows the institutions or banks to predefine the delivery service settings that would be used for different types of delivery communication like statement reports, transaction notifications, etc based on the delivery address definitions of customer or accounts. Examples of delivery services provided are SWIFT, EMAIL, SMS, TELEX, ISOMX, POSTAL, etc.
API to retrieve the settings related to document management such as document name, document type and whether it is mandatory
Creates, Amends, Deletes and Queries the query extensions, which stores the generic field definitions, for query processing.
API to create,view and modify event transaction log in Transact. The log is updated with details of configured transactions which triggered the event in the system.
Allows the configuration and initiation of exception workflow. Under the configuration, the user can enable the exception workflow, setup the necessary exceptions and update the participant details.
API to create,update, delete and retrieve Inflow Designs generated using integration
API to create and manage external accounting system settings in order to externalize accounting and general ledger system.
API to manage configuration of Master Data Access. Master Data Access allows retrieval of data required for Transact from external systems i.e Party data, Reference data such as currency, sector.
The NSF(Non-Sufficient Funds) approver service API allows to create, update and manage NSF approvers and approval limits.
API to create,update and retrieve details for Online Upgrades.This allows the viewing of Online Upgrade's Critical Records, Non-Critical Records, Restructure File List, Feeder Drill Down, Feeder Drill Down Channel, Primary and Secondary Job times.
API to retrieve the information related to process work flow details such as work item assigned to the user, on which participant's work list the activity is residing, details on parent process which contains a sequence of workflow steps associated with it and also the role-less transactions for the provided parent process.
API to create, update and manage various types of system services and processes including the Close of Business process
API to manage configuration of software update roll back . The purpose of update roll back is to revert to the previous state of the system before the update .
API to manage the Funds Authorisation settings in Transact. The switching between online and Limited Service Mode(LSM) is done in phases by changing the value of the fundsAuthorisationStatus parameter. a) Online Phase is when Transact is in the normal service mode and Funds Authorisation Microservice (FAMS) is online as well. Transact maintains and owns the master balances. b) Preparation phase starts when the switch to the Limited Service Mode is initiated. This ends the activities in Transact and propagates the in-flight changes in FAMS. c) Limited Phase is the phase when FAMS is up to date with data required for funds authorisation and Transact can be brought offline. The funds authorisation related requests accepted in LSM mode are processed solely in FAMS. d) Sync Phase when Transact becomes operational and FAMS pushes the offline reservations and emergency blocks to Transact to sync and update the master balances.
API to manage the configuration settings of the Transact message service component (aka OFS). OFS provides a messaging interface that allows the system to process transaction and query requests. Before any requests can be processed the necessary parameters for the particular service have to be configured in the system.
API to retrieve the System Parameter such as run date and current release of the system
API to retrieve the usage count of metrics of various channels and business transactions for a particular date
API to create,view and modify details associated with user login profiles. The information is used by the Security Management System (SMS) to control who has access to the system, the login time periods and to what information and functions.