Features that are available across the software landscape, not just Temenos software. APIs for product pricing, product design, etc.
APIs to update the pricing arrangement such as pricing adjustments, related parties, simulate a new arrangement, simulate a transaction events, retrieves the pricing details, etc.
API to retrieve the pricing benefit details for activity charge, periodic charge or interest rates for enterprise product pricing arrangement or package
Performs the comparison of two-name strings using an algorithm which is based on String matching using Fuzzy Wuzzy, ratio function.
APIs to calculate the outstanding amount to close an account, amend the calculated payoff charge amount, redeem a deposit account, update the pricing adjustment to define the manual benefits for a fee or interest
API to process balance amount for a specific balance type of an external Account
APIs to manage the product related details such as the product catalogue, product types/groups and interest conditions
API to create, amend and retrieve the bundle arrangement conditions
API to identify and retrieve the eligible product details, based on the interest of the customer
API to retrieve the external user specific product conditions like Permissions, privileges, licensing, limits and availability
Update probability of default (the probability that the asset will default) and loss given default (the loss percentage given that when the asset default) at product or group of product level to calculate the expected credit loss based on their stages under IFRS 9 impairment model.
The Arrangement Architecture is a Temenos Transact Framework to create and manage various products such as finance, deposits, accounts, etc. It provides a modular business component-based architecture, whereby users can create their products by using the components provided by Temenos and these components can be reused across multiple different products. This API can be used to create and manage various types of Islamic finance such as Murabaha Finance, Commodity Murabaha Finance, Musawama Finance, Ijara Finance, Bai-salam Finance, Qard Hassan Finance etc. created by using the Arrangement Architecture.
API to create, update and manage the product definition details, interest conditions, repayment calculator, simulate a loan contract and project the schedules
API to retrieve the list of products under the Marketing Catalogue