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User Experience (UX)

User Experience (UX) is how a user interacts with and experiences a product, system or service. In general UX covers a wide variety of aspects including:

  • Look and feel (user interface)
  • Layout and responsiveness
  • Accessibility
  • Ease of use and intuitiveness

UX is important, a poor user experience will reflect negatively on the product and make is more difficult for the end user to get value from the product.

Unified UX (UUX)

Unified UX (UUX) is an initiative to ensure a consistent and good user experience across Temenos products and services. UUX provides a library of standalone web components which are technology agnostic, portable and can be readily used in any framework.

More information on UUX can be found here:

Unified UX Home (external link)

All Temenos Explorer plugins must be developed using UUX web components.

UUX Best Practices

It is the responsibility of the developer to ensure that their user interface design complies with UUX best practices, referred to as the "Golden Form":

  • Use as few font families/sizes as possible
  • Use font families/sizes appropriately (large text for headings, smaller text for body)
  • Consistent and symmetrical padding on containers, page gutters etc.
  • Use UUX grid components for layout
  • LTR and RTL support
  • Multi-language support
  • Avoid horizontal scrolling where possible
  • Use default Temenos branding (font families, colours and iconography)
  • Use default UUX web component presentation without alteration