Create Deposits
Deposit accounts allow the customers to create fixed bonds. These bonds are characterized by a fixed interest rate or coupon rate that remains constant throughout the life of the bond.
Creates term deposits and the payload should include customer identifier, customer role, deposit currency, deposit amount and the deposit duration term etc.
Simulate a deposit arrangement for the given principal amount, term, payment frequency and interest rates
Funding of Deposits
Funding of deposits involves depositing funds into deposit account to increase the balance and to potentially earn interest on the deposited amount over time.
Fund the term deposit manually by providing the deposit amount
Block or Unblock Funds
Banks can block funds on a deposits account, in full or partially, for a specific or indefinite period of time.
Creates a funds reservation with details such as account number, block or reserve amount, period of hold transaction, reason for holding. Funds reservations are created to block or reserve funds which restricts any debit movements affecting the account balance below the blocked amount for the specified period on an account.
Update funds reservation with details such as account number, block or reserve amount, period of hold transaction, reason for holding. Funds reservations are created to block or reserve funds which restricts any debit movements affecting the account balance below the blocked amount for the specified period on an account.
Reverse Fund Blocking
DELETECancels the funds reservation of an account. Funds reservations are created to block or reserve funds which restricts any debit movements affecting the account balance below the blocked amount for the specified period on an account. On removal of the funds reservations, the blocked or reserved amount is now available for usage.
Retrieves the reserved funds details such as reason, amount and period of reservation of the account
Partial Withdrawal
Partial withdrawal refers to withdrawing a portion of the funds deposited in the account before the maturity date, while leaving the remaining balance intact. This may involve change in interest earned and can also be subject to penalties or fees.
Withdraw from the deposit account
Add or Remove Account Holders
It is a common banking practice to have more than one party, for example joint-holders, in a deposit. This section describes how a bank can maintain the deposit contract by adding or removing parties to an existing deposit.
Update the customer details of the term deposit such as add or remove joint customers
Update the customer details of the term deposit such as add or remove joint customers
Retrieves all the customer details for the given arrangement such as customer id, customer name, customer role, their beneficiary type, limit allocation percentage, GL allocation percentage and tax liability percentage.
Posting Restriction
Banks employ posting restrictions to regulate transactions in deposits. Posting restrictions are transaction-based controls, that prevent transactions from being posted for the purpose of operational control. A typical business case in which a bank applies a posting restriction to control credits is for non-resident accounts, where there could be restrictions against the deposit of local currency amounts into the deposit.
Update the account conditions of the term deposit such as alternate references, posting restrictions, etc
Update the account conditions of the term deposit such as alternate references, posting restrictions, etc
Payment Schedule
A payment schedule for a deposits product is the interest payments that are made on the deposit account. The payment schedule outlines when and how interest payments will be made to the account holder.
Update the payment schedule details of the term deposit such as payment frequency, payment type
Retrieves the payment schedule details of an account
Manage Interest
Banks can pay interest to the customers on credit balances held in their deposit accounts. The interest can be changed in the following ways
Update the interest conditions of the term deposit such as interest rate, spread, margin etc
Retrieves the interest details of an account such as interest rate , interest type and interest amount
Retrieves the interest accrued for the current period of an account
Retrieve the past period's interest accruals
Retrieves the interest accruals of the previous year
Renegotiate Deposits
Renegotiating deposits involves negotiating new terms and conditions for a term deposit account before its maturity date. These negotiations may include a change in the original terms of the account, such as the interest rate or the maturity date and so on.
Perform the renegotiation of the term deposit contract details such as payment frequency, interest rates, etc.
Renewal of Deposits
Renewal of deposits enables the account holders to extend the term of their deposit account that has reached its maturity date.
Deposit Renewal
POSTPerform the rollover of the deposit for the given rollover date or period
Update Term
PUTUpdate the tenure of the term deposit by providing tenure or maturity date
Change Product
Changing product is the process of switching from one type of deposits product to another within same product group offered by the bank or financial institution that may involve additional fees and charges.
Change Product
PUTUpdate the contract from one deposit product to another
Change Branch
You can shift an active account of a customer from one branch to another.
Change Branch
POSTUpdate the branch for the deposit
Deposit Settlement
Settlement information outlines the details of how an account balance is paid or settled, either by the account holder or by a third party. This information can include the amount of the payment, the payment method, the payment date, and any associated fees or charges.
Update the settlement conditions of the term deposit such as payin account, payout account, beneficiary etc
Retrieves the settlement details for the given arrangement such as payment type, payin account, payin percentage, payin amount, payout account, payout percentage, payout amount, etc
Deposit Closure
Closure of a deposit account refers to terminating a term deposit account before its maturity date. You can use this query to fetch the details related to closure of deposits.
Redeem the term deposit to close the deposit by providing the settlement instructions
Deposit Closure
PUTRedeem the term deposit to close the deposit by providing the settlement instructions
Simulate Redemption
POSTSimulate a deposit redemption and the payload should include the settlement instructions to which the deposit amount is to be credited. Common usage of this is for simulating withdrawals when customers want to withdraw their deposits before the actual fixed maturity date of the deposits.
Retrieves the redeem bill for the given deposit by providing the deposit reference and simulation reference for simulated deposits
Below are the service operations and their respective APIs involved in migration of deposits, bills and deposit balances.
Migrate Deposits
POSTMigration of a legacy system deposit contract to the given deposit product by providing the original contract date, account name, statement, payment frequency and start date, etc. This can be used for migrating the legacy contract to deposits account by providing required details.
Migrate Bills
PUTCaptures the bill information of the deposits account such as bill id, property names, bill amount etc. This is used to migrate the bills of a legacy contract which is migrated from other system & update the bill details.
Migrate Balances
PUTCaptures the balance details of the deposits account such as balance type, due amount etc. This is used to migrate the balances of a legacy contract which is migrated from other system & update the balance details.
Deposit Information
Deposit information includes the information related to the balance and status of a deposit account. Balance details may include all deposits, interest earned, and any other credits to the account, as well as any withdrawals, fees, or other debits that have been made. The status of a deposit account states whether the account is open, closed, or on hold.
Retrieves the details of the given arrangement such as arrangement id,account id,customer details,product details ,arrangement start date and arrangement status
Retrieves various types of balances such as cleared, online, locked and usable balance of the account
Retrieves the basic information of the deposit account including deposit amount, term, maturity days, tax details, charge details, etc. Common usage of this could be to display the basic information of deposits in a customer user interface.
Retrieves the activity log of an account
Retrieves the deposit details for a given account or a customer
Retrieves the list of deposit account for a given customer
Retrieves all the customer details for the given arrangement such as customer id, customer name, customer role, their beneficiary type, limit allocation percentage, GL allocation percentage and tax liability percentage.
Deposit Statement
A deposit statement provides a detailed summary of the deposits made into a bank account during a specific period of time.
Retrieves the statement frequency of an account
Retrieves account transaction details such as transaction type, amount, transaction reference, credit or debit indicator, booking and effective date of transaction
Fees and Charges
Fees and charges are the cost associated with maintaining an account and using its various services and features. These costs can vary depending on the type of account and the specific services used by the account holder.
Retrieves the charge details of an account
Bill Details
You can use this query to fetch bill-related information.
Retrieves the outstanding amount to be paid for an account
Product Details
You can use this query to fetch product features and conditions.
Product Features
GETRetrieves the product details for a catalogued product
Retrieves the catalogued conditions of a given product