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State Management

State data should be saved into the browser session storage. This can be referenced from anywhere in your code.

Session storage is deliberately cleared when the user logs out or the browser is closed.

Accessing Session Storage

You can access the session storage using the following methods:



This method will get an item for the specified key from the session storage.


keystringThe key of the item to get

Return Value

The item



This method will set an item using the specified key in the session storage.


keystringThe key of the item to set
valueanyThe item to set



This method will remove an item with the specified key from the session storage.


keystringThe key of the item to remove

Return Value

Boolean true if the item was removed, false if no item exists for the specified key



This method will clear all items from the session storage.

DataStoreHelper Class (CSA Plugin)

The class DataStoreHelper is available in the CSA plugin and makes it easy to access and manage data stored in the browser session storage:

class DataStoreHelper {
constructor() {}

* Get an item from the session storage
* @param key The key for the item
* @return Item for the specified key
getItem(key) {
return sessionStorage.getItem(key);

* Set an item in the session storage
* @param key The key for the item
* @param value The value of the item
setItem(key, value) {
sessionStorage.setItem(key, value);

* Remove an item from the session storage
* @param key The key for the item
* @return Boolean true if the item was removed, false if no item was found for the specified key
removeItem(key) {
return sessionStorage.removeItem(key);

* Clear all data from the session storage
clear() {

The class DataStoreHelper is available through the global variable dataStore:

var dataStore = new DataStoreHelper;

This class can be implemented in other plugins by simply incorporating the above code.