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Role Permissions


This method will update the data stores which hold the user role and permission data, loading permissions configuration from the file TA_Permissions.js.

This method is invoked as part of the post-login process so there is no requirement to invoke this from your plugin.


  • The method is globally defined in TA_script.js
  • The method is globally available via the proxy window object top["getPermissions"]


rolestringA single role or comma delimited list of roles

Return Value


Data Stores

The following data stores are updated by this method:

  • top["role"]
  • top["roledesc"]
  • top["transactrole"]
  • top["legalentity"]
  • top["startupPage"]
  • top["dashboard"]
  • top["permissions"]


This method will update the data stores which hold the user role and permission data, loading permissions configuration from a generic config microservice.

This method is invoked as part of the post-login process so there is no requirement to invoke this from your application.

This method is currently a placeholder as this functionality has not yet been implemented.


  • The method is globally defined in TA_script.js
  • The method is globally available via the proxy window object top["getPermissions"]


rolestringA single role or comma delimited list of roles

Return Value


Data Stores

The following data stores are updated by this method:

  • top["role"]
  • top["roledesc"]
  • top["transactrole"]
  • top["legalentity"]
  • top["startupPage"]
  • top["dashboard"]
  • top["permissions"]


This method checks if the logged in user has permission to perform the specified action for their currently selected role.


  • The method is globally defined in TA_script.js
  • The method is globally available via the proxy window object top["isPermissionGranted"]


actionstringThe ID of the action to check if the user has permission to perform

Return Value

booleantrue If the user has permission to perform the action, false if not


This method matches the roles from Keycloak with the roles defined in TA_permissions.js to identify common and valid roles for the logged in user. If there is a role in Keycloak which does not have a matching entry in TA_permissions.js then this role will be ignored and will not be available to the user for selection.

This method is invoked as part of the post-login process so there is no requirement to invoke this from your application.


  • The method is globally defined in TA_script.js
  • The method is globally available via the proxy window object top["getRoleNames"]



Return Value


Data Stores

The following data stores are updated by this method:

  • top["roles"]
  • top["rolenames"]
  • top["applicablerole"]

Planned Changes

Currently permissions configuration is hardcoded in the file TA_permissions.js. Whilst this is adequate for development and testing, this is not ideal for production.

In future permissions configuration will be provided through a generic config microservice using XACML policies and a PAP user interface to manage these. Permissions configuration will remain in the same format within Temenos Explorer and therefore the isPermissionGranted() method will continue to function unchanged.