Trade Finance | Letter of Credit

Given below are the service operations for Issuance.

Trade Finance | Letter of Credit

Given below are the service operations for Maintenance.

Trade Finance | Letter of Credit

Given below are the service operations for Enquiries.

Trade Finance | Guarantees

Given below are the service operations for Issuance

Trade Finance | Guarantees

Trade Finance | Guarantees

Given below are the service operations for Enquiries

Trade Finance | Guarantees

Given below are the service operations for Payments.

Trade Finance | Collections

Given below are the service operations for Issuance.

Trade Finance | Collections

Given below are the service operations for Maintenance.

Trade Finance | Collections

Given below are the service operations for Enquiries.

Create an Asset
Asset Finance

Collection of end points that relate to Tangible asset, arrangement and covenants creation, enables creation of Land & Building, Equipments, Specialised Assets

Asset Finance

Manage subscription for asset finance contracts & assets

  • Allows to add base payments (such as rentals) or other add-on payments (such as insurance, or maintencance) for hire purchase , lease , chattel mortgage, and asset finance agreements.

  • Allows to amend base payments (such as rentals) or other add-on payments (such as insurance, or maintencance) for hire purchase , lease , chattel mortgage asset finance agreements.

  • Allows to cancel base payments (such as rentals) or other add-on payments (such as insurance, or maintencance) for hire purchase , lease , chattel mortgage asset finance agreements.

  • Retrieves the list of subscriptions based on the product line id and optional query parameters such as customerId or agreement id

Arrangement Maintenance
Asset Finance

Manage tangible asset contract lifecycle actions

Asset Finance

Manage subscription for asset finance contracts & assets

Asset Maintenance - Vehicles
Asset Finance

Manage tangible asset lifecycle

Asset Maintenance - Equipments
Asset Finance

Manage tangible asset lifecycle

Asset Maintenance - Land and Buildings
Asset Finance

Manage tangible asset lifecycle

Manage Transactions - Repayment - Outstanding Bills
Asset Finance

Manage repayment of bills

Enquiries - Asset Finance
Asset Finance

Catalogue of enquiries that provide information related to Tangivle asset contract

Enquiries - Fixed Asset
Asset Finance

Catalogue of enquiries that provide extensive information on the Tangible assets, its lifecycle actions & status

  • Retrieves the valuation details of the asset like valuation date, currency, amount, method & type

  • Retrieves the incident details of the asset like incident date, incident type, authority reported & other party details

  • Retrieves the insurance details of the asset like policy number, policy start date, policy expiry date, coverage limit, premium amount

  • Retrieves the maintenance details of the asset like date, usage, supplier reference, invoice amount, service cost & service cost type

  • Retrieves the inspection details of the asset like date, usage, estimated total repair cost, estimated total repair duration & Spare parts details

  • Retrieves the usage details of the asset like usage, usage units, date of activity, date of recording

  • Retrieves the list of activities performed during the life cycle of a fixed asset by querying based on asset id, start date, end date, activity id. Asset Id is mandatory querying parameter

  • Retrieves the unauthorised activities such as register,purchase,capital improvement, transfers,disposal, writeoff performed during the fixed asset life cycle.

  • Retrieves the details of accounting entries for a specific transaction that includes entry reference , account number , name , transaction code , date , amount , currency and narrative.

  • Retrieves all the unauthorised non-financial activities of fixed assets such as updating basic details, vehicles, equipments, land & buildings, incident, inspection, insurance, valuation, maintenance, usage

  • Retrieves all the authorised non-financial activities of fixed assets such as updating basic details, vehicles, equipments, land & buildings, incident, inspection, insurance, valuation, maintenance, usage.

  • Retrieves the unauthorised supplier payments resulted during work in progress, purchase and capital improvement activities during the life cycle of fixed asset.

  • Retreives the summary of fixed asset such as asset class, asset type, asset entity, purchase date, asset cost, original value, depreciation details, market value and ias classification by querying based on asset id or asset status as one of the mandatory parameter.