Given below are the service operations for Issuance.
Create a LC
POSTInitiate a new letter of credit request for specific customer
Create a Export LC
POSTCreate a new export letter of credit for specific customer
Given below are the service operations for Maintenance.
Update an existing amendment for specific letter of credit
Updates the amendments to the letter of credit for the specified letter of credit/customer reference number
Initiate the registration of a presentation done for letter of credit transaction
Update Drawings
PUTUpdate an existing drawing for a specific letter of credit
Updates letter of credit amendments seeking beneficiary's consent for the specified letter of credit/customer reference number
Update Cancellations
POSTUpdates the cancellation details of the issued import letter of credit for the specified letter of credit/customer reference number
Updates the decision on amendments to import letter of credit for the specified letter of credit/customer reference number
Create Drawings
POSTInitiate a new drawing request registerered for a specific letter of credit
Update Export LC
PUTUpdate a new export letter of credit for specific customer
Update LC
PUTUpdates the letter of credit initiation for the specified letter of credit/customer reference number
Given below are the service operations for Enquiries.
Retrieves the details of outstanding import letter of credits for the specified customer/guarantee reference.
Retrieves the list of export letter of credits registered for specific customer
Retrieves outstanding documents such as bills under the letter of credit
Retrieves the negotiated/discounted bills under the letter of credit
Retrieve drawing details
Given below are the service operations for Issuance
Create a Issuance
POSTInitiation of a guarantee issuance request by the issuing bank for the applicant or the instructing party.
Initiate Issuance
POSTInitiates guarantee issuance request through self service channel for the corporate user
Update Issuance
PUTUpdates the details of the guarantee request which are mandated for the issuing by the issuing bank
Updates the details of the guarantee request which are mandated for the issuing by the issuing bank
Amend Issuance
PUTAmendment of the terms and conditions of the guarantee after issuance by the issuing bank and notifying the parties in the guarantee
Approve Issuance
PUTApproves the amendment response received from the corporate user for an received guarantees for a corporate customer
Reverse Issuance
DELETEReverse the existing guarantee file issued by the issuing bank on behalf of a corporate customer
Updates the received claim details sent by the beneficiary to the issued guarantee requests
Updates the status for the existing guarantee received by the issuing bank with the concurrence of the beneficiary
Updates the response for the claim initiated to guarantee received by the issuing bank
Updates the rejection of claim for a guarantee received file from the beneficiary bank
Facilitates the claim creation for the guarantee received
Given below are the service operations for Enquiries
Fetch Issuance
GETRetrieves the list of issued guarantees by the issuing bank for any corporate customer
Retrieves the list of received guarantee claim details
Fetch Receipts
GETRetrieves the list of issued guarantee claims that are received for the guarantees issued
Retrieves the list of amendment history details for the received guarantee file for a corporate customer
Retrieves a list of guarantees for which auto extension is enabled
Retrieves the details of guarantee clauses
Retrieves the details of outstanding received guarantees for the specified customer/guarantee reference.
Given below are the service operations for Payments.
Reject response of a claim received by the issuing bank to the beneficiary bank
Given below are the service operations for Issuance.
Initiation of the export documentary collection by the collecting bank
Lodgment of the Import documentary collection by the collecting bank
Given below are the service operations for Maintenance.
Updates the amendments to the outward collection for the specified letter of credit/customer reference number
Updates the amendments to the inward collection for the specified letter of credit/customer reference number
Amendments to outward collection contracts are implemented by revising the contract with updated values
Given below are the service operations for Enquiries.
Retrieves the outstanding details of outward collections
Fetch Drawing
GETRetrieve the details of specific drawing that is created against a letter of credit
Create an Asset
Collection of end points that relate to Tangible asset, arrangement and covenants creation, enables creation of Land & Building, Equipments, Specialised Assets
Creates assets that fall under classification of vehicles
Creates assets that fall under classification of equipments
Creates assets that fall under classification of land & buildings
Creates assets that fall under classification of specialised assets.
Registers the tangible asset into the system by capturing the basic details like asset class, asset type, cost details, depreciation details.
Creation of hire purchase agreement for the customer with terms & conditions.
Creation of lease agreement for the customer with terms & conditions.
Creation of chattel mortgage agreement for the customer with terms & conditions.
Captures and accepts new insurance for an asset, specifying details such as the insurer, coverage amount, policy number, and coverage period.
Captures and accepts details based on the the outcome of an inspection, including data such as the inspector, inspection date, status, and any comments about the assets condition.
Captures and accepts details when an asset has been inspected and officially accepted by the organization, documenting the data such as acceptance date, accepting party, and status.
Captures and accepts details when a vehicle has been inspected and officially accepted by the organization, documenting the data such as acceptance date, accepting party, and status.
Activation of an asset finance agreement. This action marks that the asset is delivered to the lessee and the contract terms are initiated.
Manage subscription for asset finance contracts & assets
Add Subscriptions
POSTAllows to add base payments (such as rentals) or other add-on payments (such as insurance, or maintencance) for hire purchase , lease , chattel mortgage, and asset finance agreements.
Update Subscriptions
POSTAllows to amend base payments (such as rentals) or other add-on payments (such as insurance, or maintencance) for hire purchase , lease , chattel mortgage asset finance agreements.
Cancel Subscriptions
POSTAllows to cancel base payments (such as rentals) or other add-on payments (such as insurance, or maintencance) for hire purchase , lease , chattel mortgage asset finance agreements.
Retrieves the list of subscriptions based on the product line id and optional query parameters such as customerId or agreement id
Arrangement Maintenance
Manage tangible asset contract lifecycle actions
Renegotiation of the terms & conditions of the chattel mortgage agreement
Renegotiation of the terms & conditions of the lease agreement
Rengotiation of the terms & conditions of the chattel mortgage agreement
Update Parties
POSTChange the parties involved in the asset finance agreement. The parties, simply are the customers acting as a lessee, guarantor or joint lessee.
Update Settlement
POSTUpdate the settlement instructions of the customer in order to transact with the asset finance agreement.
Update Officers
POSTChange the relationship/account officers who is dealing with the lessee's agreement.
Update payment holiday for leasees , hire purchase and chattel mortgage asset finance agreements
Manage subscription for asset finance contracts & assets
Captures and accepts details based on the the outcome of an inspection, including data such as the inspector, inspection date, status, and any comments about the assets condition.
Captures and accepts details when a vehicle has been inspected and officially accepted by the organization, documenting the data such as acceptance date, accepting party, and status.
Captures and accepts details when an asset has been inspected and officially accepted by the organization, documenting the data such as acceptance date, accepting party, and status.
Captures and accepts new insurance for an asset, specifying details such as the insurer, coverage amount, policy number, and coverage period.
Update Evidence
PUTUpdate the evidences to specify its approval or rejection status.
Fetch Evidences
GETRetrieves evidence information such as evidence id, description, activity, and effective date.
Retrieves the list of newly acquired evidences which require an acceptance action to advance the status to accepted status.
Retrieves evidence details for a lease agreement as per the covenants and condition
Asset Maintenance - Vehicles
Manage tangible asset lifecycle
Updates the valuation details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Vehicles
Updates the incident details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Vehicles
Updates the insurance details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Vehicles
Updates the maintenance details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Vehicles
Updates the inspection details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Vehicles
Updates the usage details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Vehicles
Updates the officer details who is dealing with the fixed asset that fall under classification of asset - Vehicles.
Asset Maintenance - Equipments
Manage tangible asset lifecycle
Updates the valuation details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Equipments
Updates the incident details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Equipments
Updates the insurance details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Equipments
Updates the maintenance details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Equipments
Updates the inspection details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Equipments
Updates the usage details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Equipments
Updates the officer details who is dealing with the fixed asset that fall under classification of asset - Equipments
Asset Maintenance - Land and Buildings
Manage tangible asset lifecycle
Updates the valuation details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Land & Buildings
Updates the incident details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Land & Buildings
Updates the insurance details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Land & Buildings
Updates the maintenance details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Land & Buildings
Updates the inspection details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Land & Buildings
Updates the usage details of fixed assets that fall under classification of asset - Land & Buildings
Updates the officer details who is dealing with the fixed asset that fall under classification of asset - Land & Buildings
Manage Transactions - Repayment - Outstanding Bills
Manage repayment of bills
Repayment of outstanding bills of an asset finance agreement which are due for payment.
Enquiries - Asset Finance
Catalogue of enquiries that provide information related to Tangivle asset contract
Fetch Agreements
GETRetrieve all the asset finance agreements of a customer.
Retrieve the repayment schedule of the asset finance agreement like payments and payment dates. The options for Keyword - FULL, NEXT. FULL retrieves the full repayment schedule. NEXT retrieves the next payment schedule.
Retrieves the lease agreement balance details such as balance type, balance description and balance amount.
Retrieves the lease agreement term details such as lease type, term, maturity option and amount
Retrieves simulated lease agreements details such as agreement ids, product name, start date, maturity date and finance amount.
Retrieves customer simulated lease agreements with details such as agreement ids, product name, start date, maturity date and finance amount.
Retrieves agreement charge details such as charge property, charge type, currency and amount.
Retrieves the lease agreement term details such as lease type, term, maturity option and amount
Retrieves the list of subscription plans that are expiring in given number of days.
Retrieves the eligible subscription plans of financial arrangement to be added in the financial arrangement
Enquiries - Fixed Asset
Catalogue of enquiries that provide extensive information on the Tangible assets, its lifecycle actions & status
Retrieves the valuation details of the asset like valuation date, currency, amount, method & type
Retrieves the incident details of the asset like incident date, incident type, authority reported & other party details
Retrieves the insurance details of the asset like policy number, policy start date, policy expiry date, coverage limit, premium amount
Retrieves the maintenance details of the asset like date, usage, supplier reference, invoice amount, service cost & service cost type
Retrieves the inspection details of the asset like date, usage, estimated total repair cost, estimated total repair duration & Spare parts details
Retrieves the usage details of the asset like usage, usage units, date of activity, date of recording
Retrieves the list of activities performed during the life cycle of a fixed asset by querying based on asset id, start date, end date, activity id. Asset Id is mandatory querying parameter
Retrieves the unauthorised activities such as register,purchase,capital improvement, transfers,disposal, writeoff performed during the fixed asset life cycle.
Retrieves the details of accounting entries for a specific transaction that includes entry reference , account number , name , transaction code , date , amount , currency and narrative.
Retrieves all the unauthorised non-financial activities of fixed assets such as updating basic details, vehicles, equipments, land & buildings, incident, inspection, insurance, valuation, maintenance, usage
Retrieves all the authorised non-financial activities of fixed assets such as updating basic details, vehicles, equipments, land & buildings, incident, inspection, insurance, valuation, maintenance, usage.
Retrieves the unauthorised supplier payments resulted during work in progress, purchase and capital improvement activities during the life cycle of fixed asset.
Retreives the summary of fixed asset such as asset class, asset type, asset entity, purchase date, asset cost, original value, depreciation details, market value and ias classification by querying based on asset id or asset status as one of the mandatory parameter.