Temenos Events
Temenos Events make it even easier for banks to integrate with our banking software. Wherever human beings interact through user interface apps, you’ll find APIs. But when you’re integrating system to system, events are much more useful. Events are asynchronous messages that advise when something important has happened in a system. Applications subscribe and react to these events, as needed. Temenos is defining events for every major change of state in our banking products and solutions - which means great scalability and faster, more flexible integrations for banks.
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Market Data
Use these events to send information and actionable messages about a market data system, such as currency, and basic and periodic interest rates.
Nostro Account
Use these events to send information and actionable messages about nostro accounts. Nostro accounts are accounts that a bank holds in another bank, in a foreign currency. They’re often used to facilitate FX and business transactions.